
5 Ways Fishing Battles Depression

Reading Time: 8 minutes

It took me a while to get up the nerve to write this article. I finally made this decision because it would help me and hopefully help someone else. My name is Lee Sandt and I am someone who battles with depression.

At the time of this writing, we are in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our suicide rate is up, unemployment is at an all-time low, and our world right now is not a positive place. People have lost all hope and it is sending people into the terrible world of depression.

I have experienced this personally as well with Covid-19. My depression has hit an all-time low. If you follow me on social media you will see all smiles and happiness. If you run into me at the store I would probably tell you everything is fine. In all reality, everything is not fine. My relationship with friends and family has suffered and so has my business. I am not sure what the future has in store but I can say I am worried about it.

I AM A FRAUD. Not really but in some way yes. Or at least that is what I feel like sometimes. I do not feel like talking to people about my problems because I don’t want anyone feeling sorry for me. I know that is not the right answer but it is how a lot of depressed people feel. We are too proud to admit we need help.

Now that I have spilled my guts, you may be asking “what does this have to do with fishing?”

So amid businesses closing down and struggling there have been some businesses that have skyrocketed during this time. Bass Pro Shops can barely keep inventory in stock. Bass Boats are selling like crazy. Their sales are at an all-time high. How is that possible?

Well, people have turned to the outdoors to find peace and something to do. People are figuring out what I and a lot of other anglers have known for a long time. Fishing can and will help with your depression. I always have said, “A bad day of fishing is better than a day at work.” Being one with nature and enjoying the outdoors has always taken the edge off for me.

Here are 5 Ways Fishing will help you battle Depression

No Social Media

Social Media can bring us down a lot faster than we realize. We always see everyone’s best on social media. We see new cars, new houses, vacations, happy relationships, and the list goes on. Nobody gets on Facebook and says I got a new car but my payment is almost 1,000 dollars a month and I don’t know how I will afford it. Or look at me and my happy wife, but five minutes earlier they were yelling and screaming at each other.

Rule number one of fishing. Stay Off Social Media! One great thing is that both your hands are usually occupied when you fish so it is hard to scroll on your phone. The work e-mails can wait. When you fish you need to relax, pray, think, and enjoy the outdoors. Put yourself first and do something for your mental health. One thing you see on social media can put you in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

Do Not Take Phone Calls

Think about this!! In the 90’s we did not have cellphones. Nobody could reach you when you were out on the lake fishing and everything was just fine. I tell my family not to call me unless its an emergency when I go fishing.

The reason being is I want to attribute this time to just having peace. I do not want a phone call telling me that my kid is being bad. I do not want to hear anything about work that is going to make me upset or depress me. It can wait.

Instead, maybe listen to some positive music or a podcast. If you are religious talk to God and pray. Detach yourself from all the stresses of life and enjoy yourself.

Go Fishing with a Friend, Child or Family Member

For me, there is nothing better than watching my son reel in a fish. That is something that keeps a smile on my face for days. Spending time in the outdoors fishing with a friend or family member is awesome. Those memories will last a lifetime.

Sometimes going out with a buddy is just what the doctor ordered. Maybe you can talk about life’s problems and vent while you are out on the water. I have done this on several occasions. I leave feeling a lot better when I get stuff off my chest that has been bothering me.

Now, this can also backfire when going out with family. If you are going to go out with your wife on the lake you may need to set some ground rules before going out. One rule is that today we are not going to talk about anything stressful. Make it all about reflection and having fun. Real Life Stresses and problems can wait sometimes.

Take it All In

Fishing is a reflective and meditative activity that forces you to slow down and enjoy nature and your surroundings. I have been asked to guide for the Wounded Warriors program. Wounded Warriors are veterans who have experienced trauma through their selfless service for our country. Some struggle with PTSD. They chose a fishing tournament to raise money for these veterans.

Fishing is chosen for these guys because it is recommended by counselors as a therapeutic exercise for them. If it is good enough for them then it is good enough for me.

Fishing Requires Focus

Fishing requires focus which takes your mind off of other stresses in your life. The critical thinking of figuring out a cadence, lure choice, and a location are all taking your mind to a better place.

Clinical studies have proven that cortisol (a hormone linked to stress) has lower after a day of fishing. The results have shown the cortisol to remain low as long as three weeks after the fishing day.

When you figure out the formula and start catching fish there is a state of euphoria that helps your happiness. You won’t see someone reeling in a fish with a frown on their face. Focusing on fishing is fun and it takes your mind off other things. Sure those same problems will be there when you get done fishing. However, sometimes the peace and tranquility of fishing help clear your mind and figure out solutions.

Capture the Memories

If you have ever fished the first thing you want to do when you catch a nice fish is take a picture. All anglers like to show and brag about their great catches. Just scrolling through some of my fishing videos and pictures puts a smile on my face during the week. When you start to get down open up your photo roll on your phone and watch yourself reel in some fish. I know that it works for me and it can work for you also.

If you fish alone get yourself a  Go Pro and a chest mount and get to fishing. The GoPro tagged above is voice activated so when you feel a bite you can tell your GoPro to start recording and capture your fish catch.  

Fishing videos like this one will surely put a smile on your face:

That video is of me and was captured using a GoPro and a Yolotek Power Stick.

That video has been viewed on Instagram over 15,000,000 times and has brought a smile to my face and millions of others. That is what fishing can do for you or someone you know who battles with depression.

You are not alone and can beat Depression


Go out and capture memories, take in nature, talk to a friend, stay off your phone, and stay off social media!! That is the recipe for stress relief and battling that depression! I hope this helps someone. If you want to see some great fishing pictures and videos follow me on Instagram, Like my Facebook page, and go get our FREE PDF of 10 tips when fishing is tough.

If anyone does need to vent or talk you can e-mail me at


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