My name is Lee Sandt and I am the author of this blog and ultimate fishing resource. I am not alone though. On the technical side we have Ron Henry who makes everything easy to read and creates the website, videos and freshens up the blogs. I am a martial arts school owner by trade. Ron walked in one day and signed up and never looked back. He is an awesome martial artists and currently holds a 3rd degree black belt in the style of Tang Soo Do. We have a lot of the same goals and values. We both love to train and workout and make fun of each other. We quickly became great friends and the rest is history.

I am not an accomplished tournament angler although it is my goal to get into some on my home lake (Lake Lanier) so they better watch out because I am coming to take over. I have been fishing since I was 6 years old. I can still remember my first bass I caught in a pond where my dad worked at the distribution center of Publix Supermarkets in Jax, FL. He always told me when I caught my first bass all by myself that he would mount it for me. He held true to his promise. 3 years later I caught my Personal Best Bass (still to this day) in Rodman Reservoir in Florida which weighed 10lbs 8oz. I got that mounted also.

My son Charlie holding my mounted bass from the 90’s

I have never stopped fishing since that point. I love exploring new lakes, new ponds, salt water fishing and river fishing. I love it all but I mainly focus on Bass fishing. I frequently take trips to Lake Guntersville, Cickamauga, St. Johns River, Nickajack, Hartwell, Venice, Louisiana (redfish), and Lake St. Clair in Michigan just to name a few. It is safe to say I am Hook’d On Bassin!!!

Our Goal

Our goal is to be one of the best fishing resources on the web. We will cover all different types of fishing tactics, lures, new lures, basics for beginners, my fishing trips and much much more. We will provide links to all the stuff I am using and having success with in the blogs. I realize everyone loves Amazon and loves to get things in quickly. If I blog about a hot lure I am using I will do my best to find it on amazon so you can get it to your door quickly before you go fishing that weekend.

Oh and by the way if you do not like to read then do not worry because Hook’d on Bassin has you covered. We have a Youtube channel to help you grow as an angler. If you just like to waist time and watch cool fishing videos of other people fishing (like me) than we have that also. As you will see I fish A LOT and I am going to relay each and everything I do and learn out on the water with you guys. So when it is your turn you will have more successful trips. Our goal is to help you CATCH MORE FISH!!

Who is this site for!!!

Tournament Anglers
Bank Fisherman
Beginner Fisherman
Highschool Anglers
College Anglers
Any Bass Fisherman
People that love to go on fishing trips
Kids that love to fish (I do my best to keep things kid friendly with language).
If you love fishing than stay tuned!!

PS. My Lake is Lake Lanier. I fish it maybe 75 days a year. A lot of my videos are on that lake. Watch and Learn and you will have a lot better time on that Lake.

Jump All In

Listen guys to get the most out of everything jump all in. Subscribe to our e-mail list. We basically send videos and blogs with great information from me once or twice a week. This past Christmas we sent out Cyber Monday and Black Friday Deals. We do Giveaways inside our e-mail list just for FUN!!

Follow us on Instagram. I post fishing videos, news, memes, IGTV and much more. The Instagram is growing by over 50 followers day. Must be doing something right.

Like us on Facebook also and you won’t be disappointed.
Sometimes you may miss the blog in your e-mail but you catch it on facebook.

Also subscribe to our Youtube. We post fishing videos, tips, and do product reviews.

And if there is something you would like me to write about or know more about then hit me up